Monday, March 7, 2016


The March Newsletter is now available on the Newsletter Tab above if you missed it in your email.  As always, the newsletter is full of information about upcoming events.

The Spaghetti Dinner reservation form is also available for printing on the Forms Tab if you did not receive one home from school.  The reservation forms and payment are due Thursday, March 10.  When we receive your form, we will send tickets home so that you know that we received your reservation and payment.  

If you are able to donate to or volunteer for the Annual Spaghetti Dinner on Tuesday, March 15, please do so here:  We hope to see everyone there for this fun evening benefitting both the spring trip and the general fund.  

Festival permission slips have gone home and should be returned as soon as possible.  These forms are not available electronically.  This is a mandatory performance.  

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Safeway Gift Card Fundraiser

We are once again hosting a Safeway card fundraiser.  All the information can be found on our Safeway Flyer.  The sooner we can get to our $5,000.00 goal, the better the chance that the funds raised can help support students on their spring trip.  Anyone can buy the cards so be sure to ask your friends, family, neighbors, school bus stop companions, etc!