2024-2025 Uniform Information

Please complete the 2024-2025 uniform order form to order and pay for a uniform polo shirt and sweater.  

We encourage you to order a size that allows for room to grow. Students will wear this uniform for all three years of middle school.  New uniforms will shrink when washed.  If you wish to purchase a used shirt, you may want to order a size larger than you would a new shirt.  

We have a limited inventory of used shirts and sweaters for sale.  If you would like to request to purchase a used uniform please reach out to mrmsipboosters@gmail.com and we will do our best to accommodate.

Used items are $10/sweater and $5/polo shirt - sold at the Ice Cream Social and by request only.

New items are $40/sweater and $22 shirt.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact mrmsipboosters@gmail.com.

Uniforms for concert band and orchestra consist of a light blue Instrumental polo, a dark blue Instrumental sweater, khaki pants, dark (non-athletic) shoes, and dark socks.  One score at festivals is uniformity so having all uniform components is important.   If you are unable to afford the uniform at this time, please email Mr.Bly or the Boosters.

If you have general questions about the uniform or ordering, please email Andi Destromp  

Polo Shirt Sizes come in Adult (unisex)