Tuesday, May 10, 2016

We need you!

Our booster organization has come so far in the last 3 years. Every parent or guardian of a band or orchestra student at MRMS should be proud of what we have accomplished because every parent or guardian is part of this wonderful organization! If you have a student in band or orchestra, you are an instrumental music booster program member!

As the year winds down (you know it will go quickly from here!) we are already looking forward to next year. In order to keep the organization growing and thriving to support this important element of our students’ education, we need your help.

We understand that everyone is busy and everyone has other commitments but the more people that we get involved even for an hour at a time, the more we can do for our students.

Soon, we will be voting on board members for next year and we need parents and guardians to take on these positions. We also need volunteers for many other positions for the coming year. Please carefully consider giving some of your time to our organization. Because of those volunteers we have been lucky enough to have over the past 3 years, anyone who takes on these positions will have notes and plans to fall back on not to mention the support of everyone in the organization. We need:

*Volunteer Coordinator 
*Communication Coordinator (website/newsletter)
*Concert Coordinator 
*Uniform Coordinator 
*Fundraising Chair 
*Movie Night Chair 
*Spaghetti Dinner Chair

If you are willing to take on any of these positions or have any questions, please feel free to get in contact with mrmsipboosters@gmail.com.

“Volunteering is the ultimate exercise in democracy. You vote in elections once a year, but when you volunteer, you vote every day about the kind of community you want to live in.” - Marjorie Moore