Welcome to another great year of instrumental music at
Magothy! Please plan to attend our first
general meeting of the year and 6th grade orientation on Monday,
September 10 at 7:00 PM in the MRMS cafeteria.
Incoming 6th graders will be measured for uniforms, and we
will go over all you need to know for a successful year.
All students that wish to be members of the concert band or
orchestra must audition for their seats at 8:00 AM on the following days: Sept. 11 – violins, Sept. 12 – flutes and
clarinets, Sept. 13 – violas, cellos and basses, Sept. 14 – saxophones, Sept 17
– all brass and percussion, Sept. 18 – full strings rehearsal, Sept. 20 – full strings
rehearsal, Sept. 21 – Full Band rehearsals.
Starting Sept. 24 the regular rehearsal schedule will be Concert Band on
Mondays, Wednesday, and Fridays, Orchestra on Tuesdays and Thursdays. All rehearsals begin at 8:00 AM.