Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Encore! The 2023 MRMS Winter Concert video provided by Gayle Mangan Kassal is here! Please enjoy & share. 

MRMS Winter Concert 2023

Our next big event will be when we return from the winter break. On Friday, January 5, 2024 MRMS music students will attend the Elementary School Tours. This is an opportunity for our students to showcase what Middle School has to offer musically to rising elementary students. UPDATED ----There is a fee for this field trip. Your student will get two slices of pizza, water, and transportation costs for $18. If your child brings their own lunch the cost for transportation is $13.

We need a lot of volunteers to make this event a success. Please sign up using the link for the Magothy River Instrumental Fall Music Form. As a reminder this google form has information/acknowledgements about the recent Winter Concert, the Elementary School Tour, the Jazz Festival, and the Hershey Park Spring Trip. If you have any questions please let us know.
Please see the itinerary in the comments.

Monday, December 18, 2023


NOTICE: We have two very important deadlines coming up this week. 

Tuesday, 12/19/23 at 11:59pm - All County Band Registration form is due, please click the link to register:

All County Band Registration

The auditions will be held in person at Glen Burnie High School
on Tuesday, January 9, 2024. 
Middle School check-in will take place between 6:30-8:00 PM
and the audition window will be 7:00-9:00 PM. 

Thursday, 12/21/23 - Solo and Ensemble Registration form is due, please click the link to register:

Solo and Ensemble Registration Form 

The event will take place on  February 3 at Broadneck High School.
More info on performance time will be coming closer to the event.
Students who haven’t met the practice chart requirement can earn a spot by participating in the solo or ensemble.
There is a fee. 

Solo and Ensemble Guidelines 

Solo and Ensemble Music List

This link contains the Magothy Solo and Ensemble music library 

Maryland State music lists

Our Winter Concert is this Wednesday and we couldn’t be more excited. This year we will be selling MRMS Music Program swag for students, families, and friends. We created a new logo and it is the new cover picture of our facebook page. This logo will be used for keychains and magnets for sale, which will make great stocking stuffers. 

Please see the picture below. The keychains are $5 each and the magnets are $8 each or two for $15

Reminder: If you haven’t checked out the sign up link for the Winter Concert Cookie Reception please click here https://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090849A9AD28A3F85-46836637-mrms?fbclid=IwAR24fUYn3OAdB9G6HE_Nxs0cXX-ApUYWlGZVHKuCjsLQM9oh317a7SUTqMc#/

We are still looking for volunteers. Thank you for all of your support and hope to see everyone at the Winter Concert. 

Friday, December 15, 2023


Morning Rehearsal Reminder for the Week of December 18 - December 22, 2023

Dec 18-19 - Concert Band and Orchestra will have morning rehearsal 8:05am

Dec 20 - Concert Band, Percussion Ensemble, and Orchestra will have morning rehearsal 8:05am

Dec 20 - Winter Concert (students arrive at 6:30pm) Starts at 7pm

Dec 21-22 - No morning rehearsals

Dec 22 - Winterfest - Band and Orchestra will perform during school at 2pm

Tuesday, December 12, 2023



Our Winter Concert will be Wednesday, December 20th, 2023 at 7 PM.

Students should arrive at 6:30pm. 

All jazz band students should arrive at 5:50 PM for sound check.

Performance uniforms must be worn.

Thank you in advance for planning to stay the length of the concert, every child in the program worked very hard and deserves to be celebrated for their efforts.

The cookie reception will immediately follow the concert. We are looking for volunteers to assist with the cookie reception. Please click on the sign up genius link below to help out. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090849A9AD28A3F85-46836637-mrms#/

Saturday, December 2, 2023

Save the date for our next Restaurant Night at Spizzico Pizza and Froyo on Wednesday, December 6, 2023 from 3pm to Close for dine in or carry out. Mention Magothy River Middle  Instrumental Music at the time of purchase. 

Monday, October 30, 2023


Thank you to everyone for all of your support. Joe Corbi fundraising orders will be here on Tuesday, 11/7/23. Student pickup will be from 4pm-6pm in MRMS cafeteria. We could use your help with product sorting and distributing prior to/during pickup time. Please consider helping out:

Monday, October 23, 2023


Reminder, our Spooky Strings Concert is this Wednesday, 10/25/23 at 6pm.

4:15 PM: Students will stay after school. They should bring their costumes with them to school.

4:30-5:45 PM: Rehearse combined selections with elementary, middle and high school students, then

eat a snack. Students should bring their own snacks.

6:00 PM: Concert Begins

Students are allowed to perform in their Halloween costumes as long as they don’t impact their

performance. They should bring a snack. The concert is expected to last around an hour.


This is a combined performance with Severn, Magothy, and the high school. It will be held in the Cafeteria of Magothy/Severn.  The Permission slips have already gone out and should be returned. If you have not done so, please submit.

We could use parent volunteers to help monitor the warm up rooms, set up chairs, and for hallway monitoring. If you are available and interested please see the sign up link below.

Spooky Strings Volunteer Sign Up

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

SAVE THE DATE: Magothy Music Restaurant Night is back on Wednesday, November 1, 2023 at Broadneck Grill from 5pm to 9pm. 

Tuesday, October 10, 2023


October 13, 2023 at Broadneck High School
Performing Star Spangled Banner with High School and Severn River
Students will be transported from school by bus. We will need parent volunteers to bring instruments in large vehicles so we can fit all the students on as few buses and shuttles as possible. Students will be provided pizza.The Star Spangled banner will be performed at 5:45 PM. Students will stay in the stands with the band and play pep songs throughout the first half of the football game and watch the High School Bands Halftime Show approximately 7PM. After halftime students will be signed out by parents, no students will be allowed to just leave. If you have not completed the permission slip, please click the link below.

Students should either purchase a Maroon Broadneck Music Shirt or wear a Maroon Broadneck shirt. They may wear Khaki pants or Black Pants.
Please keep in mind this is Homecoming weekend and BHS is also hosting an alumni night. We expect this event to be sold out. All tickets go on sale Tuesday, 10/10/23 at Noon.
All tickets will be sold online through GoFan, and no tickets will be sold at the gate. Please use this link to purchase your tickets. https://gofan.co/app/school/MD10405

Monday, September 25, 2023

Morning Rehearsal Reminder 9.25.23


Hi Parents! We know you received a lot of information over the weekend. If you are new to the program and have not experienced the performance requirements this can be overwhelming. We are here to help anyway we can.

 Students who signed up for Band or Orchestra class also have the additional performance aspect of the program available to them at Magothy River Middle and we have one of the strongest programs in the County. If your student wants to participate in performances offered by the program they must attend morning rehearsals weekly based on their ensemble as well as the Band or Orchestra class during their normal school hours. Attending morning rehearsal allows them to perform in concerts throughout the year and attend the Concert in the Parks series at Hershey Park this spring, along with many other wonderful opportunities. 

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out to us at mrmsipboosters@gmail.com. Please check out the upcoming rehearsal information below.  

This week we will be starting our regular early morning rehearsal schedule.

String Orchestra – Starts this Tuesday, 9/26 Tuesday and 9/28 Thursday at 8:05AM and will continue through the year on Tuesdays/Thursdays.

Orchestra percussion - Starts this Thursday September 28 at 8:05AM and will continue through the year on Tuesdays/Thursdays. (Orchestra Percussion means that your student will be participating in Full Orchestra performances not just solo percussion ensembles)

Orchestra winds – Starts Thursday October 26 and will continue through the year on Tuesdays/Thursdays. (Orchestra Winds means that your student will be participating in the Full Orchestra performance not just the Concert Band ensemble).


Concert (Wind) Band - Starts this Wednesday 9/27 at 8:05AM and will continue through the year on Mondays/Wednesdays/Fridays. We will start this Wednesday September 27 due to the Holiday on Monday.

 Percussion ensemble – Starts Wednesday 10/11 at 8:05 AM and will be Mondays and Wednesdays.

Thursday, September 21, 2023


Attention Magothy River Middle School Band, Orchestra, and Chorus Parents!
Joe Corbi’s fundraising packets should be coming home today or tomorrow. Sales can start today (9/21/23) and ends on Friday, 10/13/23. Inside that packet is everything your student will need to help make this fundraiser a success.
Help us spread the word by registering your child online and sharing an online shopping link? It’s as Easy as 1-2-3!
Go to joecorbi.com and LOGIN
Register your child as a PARTICIPANT (you will need our group’s Organization code 20352)
Once you have your child’s Participant code you can share that code via email or on YOUR Facebook page!

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Please join us for Restaurant Night supporting MRMS Instrumental Music Boosters on Wednesday, September 27, 2023 at Red, Hot & Blue open from 11am to 9pm and/or Old Mill Creamery from 4:30pm to 8:30pm. Great options to choose from and help support the Boosters.


Wednesday, September 6, 2023

2023 Rehearsal Schedule

Here are the dates you need to know for the start of the school year! Feel free to ask here

or email mrmisboosters@gmail.com with any questions.


W. Aug 30 A day first day to bring instruments

Th Aug 31 B day First Day to Bring instruments



Morning Rehearsals Start

M Sept. 11 - Flutes Only


W Sept 13 - Clarinets/ Bass Clarinet Only

Th Sept 14 - Violas Only

F Sept 15 - All Saxophones Only

M Sept 18 - Percussion Only

Tu Sept 19 - Violins Only

W Sept 20 - Trumpets Only

Th Sept 21 - Cello and String Bass

F Sep 22 - Trombones, Baritone Horn, French Horn, Tuba

Tu Sept 26 - First String Orchestra Rehearsal all strings and Full Orchestra Percussion Only


W Sept 27 First Full Concert Band All Woodwinds, Brass and Concert Band percussion


Tuesday, February 14, 2023

T-shirt Design Contest

 Students going on the Spring Trip to Busch Gardens are welcome to submit a design to our annual t-shirt design contest.   Digital submissions can be made here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfQgl62A4xyVLT-OJCaNrClZHogdw4EEAPeOjhVCfTBHczHCg/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0

Sunday, February 5, 2023

High School Course Options

 Our musicians had the opportunity to have their high school music class questions answered on Wednesday during our stop at BHS on the Elementary School Tour but here is more information if you need it.  

Saturday, January 14, 2023

Annual Spaghetti Dinner Invitation

 Please join us.   This event is open to families, friends, and community members!

If you are able to help with this event, please sign up here.

Monday, January 9, 2023

Chaperoning and Volunteering

 Please keep in mind that if you are applying to chaperone at any of our upcoming events (Elementary School Tour, Festival, Spring Trip, etc), you must have up to date volunteer approval through AACPS in order to volunteer/chaperone to include:

*Watch/Sign Acknowledgement Paper for Sexual Harassment/Child Abuse Training Video - must be turned in every year

*Commercial Background Check - to be completed every two years unless you have a valid fingerprint supported background check on file with AACPS

*Fingerprint Supported Background Check - this is a requirement for any adult going on the overnight spring trip

The checks take time (two weeks in some cases) so plan ahead. Links to these checks and the Training Video can be found under Useful Links on this page.

Saturday, January 7, 2023

Uniform Reminders

 Just a reminder:

*If you musician came home with an extra uniform piece after the concert that was borrowed because they forgot something, please return it (with a name on it so we can cross it off of our list).
*If your musician came home with a uniform piece before the concert that they need and it has not been paid for, please send in $15 for the cost of the used uniform pieces.
*If you find that your musician is still missing a uniform piece and needs to order something, please contact us by the end of the week so that we can get the order in.
*Contact mrmsipboosters@gmail.com with any concerns or questions.
Thank you!