Monday, October 30, 2023


Thank you to everyone for all of your support. Joe Corbi fundraising orders will be here on Tuesday, 11/7/23. Student pickup will be from 4pm-6pm in MRMS cafeteria. We could use your help with product sorting and distributing prior to/during pickup time. Please consider helping out:

Monday, October 23, 2023


Reminder, our Spooky Strings Concert is this Wednesday, 10/25/23 at 6pm.

4:15 PM: Students will stay after school. They should bring their costumes with them to school.

4:30-5:45 PM: Rehearse combined selections with elementary, middle and high school students, then

eat a snack. Students should bring their own snacks.

6:00 PM: Concert Begins

Students are allowed to perform in their Halloween costumes as long as they don’t impact their

performance. They should bring a snack. The concert is expected to last around an hour.


This is a combined performance with Severn, Magothy, and the high school. It will be held in the Cafeteria of Magothy/Severn.  The Permission slips have already gone out and should be returned. If you have not done so, please submit.

We could use parent volunteers to help monitor the warm up rooms, set up chairs, and for hallway monitoring. If you are available and interested please see the sign up link below.

Spooky Strings Volunteer Sign Up

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

SAVE THE DATE: Magothy Music Restaurant Night is back on Wednesday, November 1, 2023 at Broadneck Grill from 5pm to 9pm. 

Tuesday, October 10, 2023


October 13, 2023 at Broadneck High School
Performing Star Spangled Banner with High School and Severn River
Students will be transported from school by bus. We will need parent volunteers to bring instruments in large vehicles so we can fit all the students on as few buses and shuttles as possible. Students will be provided pizza.The Star Spangled banner will be performed at 5:45 PM. Students will stay in the stands with the band and play pep songs throughout the first half of the football game and watch the High School Bands Halftime Show approximately 7PM. After halftime students will be signed out by parents, no students will be allowed to just leave. If you have not completed the permission slip, please click the link below.

Students should either purchase a Maroon Broadneck Music Shirt or wear a Maroon Broadneck shirt. They may wear Khaki pants or Black Pants.
Please keep in mind this is Homecoming weekend and BHS is also hosting an alumni night. We expect this event to be sold out. All tickets go on sale Tuesday, 10/10/23 at Noon.
All tickets will be sold online through GoFan, and no tickets will be sold at the gate. Please use this link to purchase your tickets.