Tuesday, November 24, 2015


Congratulations to Xan Xan Danckaert, Greta Lunsford-Poe, Sydney Davis, Antonio Gallardo, and Riley Finazzo for being selected to participate in All-County Orchestra!  The concert will be Saturday, December 12, at 7 PM at North County High School.  

Friday, November 20, 2015

December Movie Night

On December 4, we will be presenting Home Alone!  The format of the December movie night will be somewhat different than in previous months.  Home Alone will be shown from 7-9 PM at the middle school cafeteria.  All MRMS students and their families are welcome to attend! Tickets are $5 each and include cookies and hot cocoa.  As always, additional snacks will be available for purchase.  Tickets can be purchased by sending in the flyer which was sent home yesterday from advisory period or at lunch on December 2nd, 3rd, and 4th.  Permission slips still must be signed (also attached at the bottom of the flyer if your student will be attending and hasn't already turned one in. 

We also need donations and volunteers to make this work so please consider helping out.  Opportunities to sell tickets at lunch are only slightly more than an hour and give you an excellent opportunity to see your students in action.  

Have your kids grab their friends, break out the comfy blankets, and join us for an evening at the movies!  

Thursday, November 12, 2015


  • Uniform order forms are due tomorrow, Friday, November 13.  
  • Trip interest letters are due tomorrow.
  • BSO permission slips and money should be turned in tomorrow also. 
  • We still need a few items and volunteers for the practice room spruce up.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Practice Room Spruce Up!

It's finally time for our practice room mini re-model!  We need a few items donated and some motivated volunteers so please consider signing up!  The volunteer sign up gives all the details. We can't wait to see how much the kids enjoy the freshened up rooms when they get back from Thanksgiving break!

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Movie Night Reminder

A reminder that Movie Night is this Friday, November 6.  Tickets are $5 for pizza and a water and are on sale every day this week at lunch.  Other snacks will be available for purchase at the movie.  Permission slips need to be signed before a ticket can be bought.  One signed permission slip is good for the whole year of movies.  

We are still in need of chaperones for this event.  Please consider signing up to help.

Please contact mrmsipboosters@gmail.com with any questions or to help.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

November Newsletter

The November Newsletter is now available and full of information on all upcoming events.  Check it out!

Monday, November 2, 2015

Uniform Order Letters

Early this week, your musician should be coming home with a letter giving details on the performance uniform requirements as well as an order form for short sleeved shirts and a sweater if they do not already own a sweater.  As you have probably already heard, we are including the short sleeved polo shirt this year to have an option for performances in warmer venues.  These shirts will be a light blue color and will be embroidered like the uniform sweaters.  The uniform shirt sizing chart is available to help guide you to the correct shirt size.  All orders are due by November 13.  Please direct any questions to mrmsipboosters@gmail.com.