December Movie Night
On December 4, we will be presenting Home Alone! The format of the December movie night will be somewhat different than in previous months. Home Alone will be shown from 7-9 PM at the middle school cafeteria. All MRMS students and their families are welcome to attend! Tickets are $5 each and include cookies and hot cocoa. As always, additional snacks will be available for purchase. Tickets can be purchased by sending in the flyer which was sent home yesterday from advisory period or at lunch on December 2nd, 3rd, and 4th. Permission slips still must be signed (also attached at the bottom of the flyer if your student will be attending and hasn't already turned one in.
We also need donations and volunteers to make this work so please consider helping out. Opportunities to sell tickets at lunch are only slightly more than an hour and give you an excellent opportunity to see your students in action.
Have your kids grab their friends, break out the comfy blankets, and join us for an evening at the movies!