Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Baltimore Symphony Orchestra Trip Reminder

1.  Students who are  in orchestra should come at the regularly scheduled rehearsal time 8AM.  Band students may arrive on their regular bus but should report to the cafeteria not advisory. Students will be marked SA (school activity) for periods 1-4.  The should be prepared to go to 5th and 6th period.

2.  Students should have money to purchase lunch.  Everyone received their 1st choice or 2nd choice of lunch locations and a great deal of time was spent making this work based on their requests.  Changing lunch locations will not be considered.  The restaurant choices are listed below, please look at the menu online to get an idea of how much lunch money is needed.  I will be asking that students going to Five Guys please get some friends together in advance and make a group order, this will be much quicker as they only have one cashier.

3.  ATTIRE- students should come prepared to see a major U.S. symphony, this is a "dress up" occasion.  The instrumental uniform would be appropriate. (in fact preferred for 7th and 8th graders)  If a student does not have appropriate clothes please have them see me prior to Wednesday December 2nd.

The following pieces will be performed, hearing the pieces prior to the concert would make the concert more enjoyable.  The concert theme is about those composers Wagner and Tchaikowsky and how their works pushed the envelope of new music for the time.  Both pieces were not well received initially but through time have become Orchestral standards.  It seems that throughout musical history you "like what you know" and deviations from the norm have always met with some disapproval.  Another possible theme could be the lengths that one could go through for the love or the love of their art.

Richard Wagner   Overture to the Die Meistersinger

Peter Tchaikowsky   Swan Lake Op 20A
No. 1 Scene
No. 3 Danses des cygnes
No. 6 Danse Espagnole
No. 29 Scene finale 

John Williams    Jurassic Park 

Chaperones please arrive by 8:45 and park in the faculty parking lot.