Sunday, January 3, 2016

New Year Reminders

Happy New Year to all of our Instrumental Program Booster Families!  We have lots of exciting things going on in this new year!  Here are just a few things to remember as we start back to school tomorrow:

1.  Regular practice schedules will resume.

2.  All musicians will be bringing home a Joe Corbi sales packet early this week.  We are running this sale in conjunction with the honors choral programs to help students earn money for their spring trip.  If together we are able to sell more than 100 products, each product sold will earn the seller $5 toward the trip.  More information can be found in the sales packer.  ORDERS MUST BE TURNED IN BY JANUARY 15!  

3.  It's movie night time again!  January's movie night is Friday, January 8, 6-8PM.  We will be showing Ice Age.  All tickets include a slice of pizza and water.  Additional snacks will be available for purchase.  We need donations and volunteers to make this event happen.  Please consider helping out, we especially need help selling tickets during lunches.  

4.  The bowling party is scheduled for January 15-16.  All reservations must be turned in by Wednesday, January 6, so we can make final arrangements with the facility.  

5.  We will have a general meeting on Monday, January 11, at 7 PM.  We will be discussing the spring trip at this time. 

6.  Please consider volunteering to help the program out.  In addition to help at movie night, we need help to reconcile pizza orders, a Spaghetti Dinner chair and helpers, and an Air Band Competition Co-chair just to name a few.  If you can help with any of these positions, please contact