Thursday, September 22, 2016

Fundraising and Movie Night

Our Joe Corbi fundraiser is coming a week sooner than expected! 

Kids will start selling on Sept 26 and all orders will be due on Oct 7.

This is a great opportunity for our kids to earn money for their spring trips.

October 7th is also our first movie night!

We will be showing Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. Movie night is open to all MRMS students and their families. Tickets are $5, and in October, your ticket includes a slice of pizza and water. Munchies and drinks will also be sold during the movie.

Signed permission slips need to be on record for everyone attending movie night (one permission slip covers the whole year). Permission slips will be handed out at school, are available on the website, and will be available at lunches the Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday before movie night when tickets can also be purchased