Report times for the concert on Friday.
6:00 PM Jazz Band on stage for dress rehearsal please arrive prior to this time so that you can set up.
6:20 PM Orchestra students arrive in CHORUS room to tune
6:30 PM Band and Percussion students arrive BAND REPORTS TO BAND ROOM PERCUSSION REPORTS TO 123
6:20 PM Orchestra students arrive in CHORUS room to tune
6:30 PM Band and Percussion students arrive BAND REPORTS TO BAND ROOM PERCUSSION REPORTS TO 123
6:50 PM Orchestra moves to stage and Band and percussion students move to audience
7:00 PM Concert Begins
7:00 PM Concert Begins
Remember, full uniforms (khaki pants, blue polo uniform shirt, navy uniform sweater, dark socks, and dress shoes for orchestra and band and khaki or black pants and white t-shirt for percussion) must be worn.
Thank you in advance for planning to stay the length of the concert, every child in the program worked very hard and deserves to be celebrated for their efforts.
The cookie reception will immediately follow the concert.