Rehearsal Schedule Moving Forward as of 9/19/22:
Concert Band - Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 8:05 AM, playing first note
String Orchestra - Tuesday and Thursday 8:05 AM, playing first note
Don't miss tonight's Welcome Meeting and Ice Cream Social!
Spring Trip
Fundraising opportunities
Performance opportunities
Uniform sizing
Ice cream social
Spring Trip
Fundraising opportunities
Performance opportunities
Uniform sizing
Ice cream social
September 23rd - Band Event Shadow-A-Marcher Night Broadneck High School
This is an opportunity for the Concert Band to play the National Anthem with the High School Band at that evening's football game. Due to lack of availability of buses, the band students will have to take their regular bus home.
- Students should arrive, with their instruments, at Broadneck HS between 5:15 and 5:30
- Mr. S will transport large instruments from school
- They will receive pizza and an opportunity to work with the high school students, play the Star-Spangled Banner, sit in the stands with the band and play pep band tunes, and watch the half-time show
- Pick-up time will be approximately 8:30 PM in the band room by the auditorium at Broadneck High School
- If you are interested in creating and/or participating in a carpool for the event, see the Magothy River Instrumental Music Carpools list
- Students should wear their Broadneck Music t-shirt
- 6th graders and new students will be able to purchase a maroon Broadneck Music t-shirt; $10 for cotton, $12 for performance
- These shirts will be used throughout the year (Movie Night, Strawberry Festival Parade)
Another resource for carpools or transportation is the Magothy River Instrumental Program Facebook page. We have thousands of former students/parents who might be willing to help out with transportation if it meant keeping this amazing program going for the next generation of Marlin Musicians.
If you have not completed the parent survey for 2022, please do so here: