SPRING TRIP 2023 - Williamsburg, VA; May 5-6 The spring trip has been set for Williamsburg, Virginia for the dates of May 5 and 6, 2023. The approximate price will be $265 per student. This price is set at taking 45 passengers per bus, if the ratio of passengers to bus goes up the price per participant will go down. Participants will receive the following inclusions: transportation; performance competition; hotel accommodations based on 2 occupants per room; bowling party on Friday; lunch and dinner on Friday; breakfast, lunch, and dinner on Saturday; admission to Busch Gardens; and a trip t-shirt. Students must have met the following requirements: 1. Be a member of Concert Band, Orchestra, Jazz Band or Percussion Ensemble with at least 94% attendance at rehearsals. Excused absences which include illness, doctor appointments, and lack of transportation do not count against students. 2. Completed 80% of the practice charts. (a student can make up missed practice charts with solo and ensemble) 3. Maintains at least an 80% average in Band or Strings class. Trip Commitment letters will be sent home in mid-December and we are asking that they be returned by January 11, with a $50 deposit. There will be a trip meeting for all interested parties on January 17, 2023. Chaperones that have a refund from last year's trip may use that refund toward this year’s trip. Students may use credit from their pizza sale for their trip deposit if the credit exceeds the cost of the trip. Any student who has a credit that exceeds the cost of the trip may apply that credit toward their parents if they are a chaperone. Due to being an overnight trip chaperones must have their fingerprint card which takes several weeks to process. IF YOU WISH TO BE CONSIDERED TO CHAPERONE PLEASE USE THIS GOOGLE FORM. WILLIAMSBURG CHAPERONE SURVEY FORM ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TOUR - February 1, 2023 I am happy to announce that we will be allowed to perform at both Cape St. Claire and Broadneck Elementary school on February 1st , 2023. This is the first time since 2019 that we have had the Elementary Tour. The following is the itinerary for the day: 7:45 AM - Arrive in uniform at MRMS 8:00 AM - Depart MRMS for Cape St. Claire Elementary 931 Blue Ridge Dr, Annapolis, MD 21409 8:45 AM - 9:30 AM - Performance 10:00 AM - Depart for Broadneck High School 10:30 AM- 11:30 AM - Performance 11:45 AM-12:15 PM - Lunch Cape St. Claire Clubhouse 1223 River Bay Rd, Annapolis, MD 21409 12:30 PM - Depart for Broadneck Elementary 470 Shore Acres Rd, Arnold, MD 21012 1:15 PM – 2:00 PM - Performance 2:30 PM - Depart for MRMS This event takes many parent volunteers to make this happen: van drivers, stage set up crew, lunch preparation crew, and student monitors. If you are interested and can help please use this google form. ELEMENTARY CHAPERONE FORM |