Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Excerpts From The December Newsletter


SPRING TRIP 2023 - Williamsburg, VA; May 5-6

The spring trip has been set for Williamsburg, Virginia for the dates of May 5 and 6, 2023.

The approximate price will be $265 per student.  This price is set at taking 45 passengers per bus, if the ratio of passengers to bus goes up the price per participant will go down.

Participants will receive the following inclusions: transportation; performance competition; hotel accommodations based on 2 occupants per room; bowling party on Friday; lunch and dinner on Friday; breakfast, lunch, and dinner on Saturday; admission to Busch Gardens; and a trip t-shirt.

Students must have met the following requirements:

1. Be a member of Concert Band, Orchestra, Jazz Band or Percussion Ensemble with at least 94%  attendance at rehearsals. Excused absences which include illness, doctor appointments,  and lack of transportation do not count against students.

2. Completed 80% of the practice charts.  (a student can make up missed practice charts with solo and ensemble)

3. Maintains at least an 80% average in Band or Strings class.


Trip Commitment letters will be sent home in mid-December and we are asking that they be returned by January 11, with a $50 deposit.  There will be a trip meeting for all interested parties on January 17, 2023.

Chaperones that have a refund from last year's trip may use that refund toward this year’s trip.  Students may use credit from their pizza sale for their trip deposit if the credit exceeds the cost of the trip.  Any student who has a credit that exceeds the cost of the trip may apply that credit toward their parents if they are a chaperone. Due to being an overnight trip chaperones must have their fingerprint card which takes several weeks to process.   





I am happy to announce that we will be allowed to perform at both Cape St. Claire and Broadneck Elementary school on February 1st , 2023.  This is the first time since 2019 that we have had the Elementary Tour.

The following is the itinerary for the day:

7:45 AM - Arrive in uniform at MRMS

8:00 AM - Depart MRMS for Cape St. Claire Elementary   931 Blue Ridge Dr, Annapolis, MD 21409

8:45 AM - 9:30 AM - Performance

10:00 AM - Depart for Broadneck High School

10:30 AM- 11:30 AM - Performance

11:45 AM-12:15 PM - Lunch Cape St. Claire Clubhouse 1223 River Bay Rd, Annapolis, MD 21409

12:30 PM - Depart for Broadneck Elementary 470 Shore Acres Rd, Arnold, MD 21012

1:15 PM – 2:00 PM - Performance

2:30 PM - Depart for MRMS


This event takes many parent volunteers to make this happen: van drivers, stage set up crew, lunch preparation crew, and student monitors.  If you are interested and can help please use this google form. 


Monday, September 26, 2022

 Uniform orders are due September 30, 2022.  

If you did not get sized for a uniform at the Welcome Meeting, please refer to the chart below for sizing information.  We encourage you to order a size that allows for room to grow as they will be worn all 3 years of middle school.  New uniforms will shrink when washed.  If you wish to purchase a used shirt, you may want to order a size larger than you would a new shirt.  

If you order a used uniform and we are sold out of that size, we will email you to let you know that you need to order a new item.

Uniforms for concert band and orchestra consist of a light blue Instrumental polo, a dark blue Instrumental sweater, khaki pants, dark (non-athletic) shoes, and dark socks.  One score at festivals is uniformity so having all uniform components is important.   If you are unable to afford the uniform at this time, please email Mr. S. or the Boosters.

If you have general questions about the uniform or ordering, please email Marisa Sherman

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

 Rehearsal Schedule Moving Forward as of 9/19/22:

Concert Band - Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 8:05 AM, playing first note

String Orchestra - Tuesday and Thursday 8:05 AM, playing first note

Sunday, September 11, 2022

Morning Door Holders

Looking for ways to help? 

Morning Door Holders

We need your help to hold the doors for morning rehearsals!  To make it easier on the staff and students, volunteers are allowed stand at the front entrance of MRMS to open the door for students as the enter the building.  Please plan to arrive at 7:45.  If there is not a Magothy staff available Mr. S will greet you at the front doors at 7:45. This is such a simple task that makes a huge impact.  Students can get to the practice area much faster if they aren't having to stay and hold the door themselves. And an added BONUS - you get to greet all of these masterful musicians :)

Volunteers should only let music students into the building, all others can use the main door and buzzer to gain access to the school.  

Please review the available slots below and click on the button to sign up. Thank you!

Location: MRMS Main Doors

Sign up here!

Thursday, September 1, 2022

Performance Opportunities

Students will have opportunities to participate in the following ensembles: Concert Band, Orchestra, Chamber Orchestra, Jazz Band, and Percussion Ensemble. These groups are voluntary, however, rehearsal attendance is mandatory to be a member. Carpools are encouraged.

Regular rehearsal schedule for the year:

Concert Band: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings at 8:05 a.m.

Orchestra: Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 8:05 a.m.

Jazz Band: Tuesday after school

Percussion Ensemble: Wednesday morning at 8:05

Placement auditions will determine what parts students will start the year with. Placement in the ensemble can change based on the director's discretion, additional placement auditions later in the year, and challenges. Challenges allow students to potentially move up their seating after the initial audition.


What should the student have prepared for the audition?

  • Literally anything they can play that they are comfortable with playing and gives a good representation of their ability. 
  • This could be a solo, a song from a previous year, even a scale
  • It should be at least 8 measures long, and no longer than 30 seconds due to time constraints

Beginners are welcome but do not have to audition for seating.

Only the following instruments should report on the following days:

9/8 (Thursday) - Violin

9/9 Friday - Flute

9/12 (Monday) - Clarinet/Saxes

9/13 (Tuesday) - Viola, Cello, Bass

9/14 (Wednesday) - Percussion

9/15 (Thursday) - All strings (String Orchestra)

9/16 (Friday) - All brass (Trumpet, Baritone, etc)

9/19 (Monday) - Full Concert Band

Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Time to break out those calendars! Below are some important save-the-dates for September:

8th - Seating Auditions/Morning Rehearsals Start
8th - Violins
9th - Flutes
12th - Clarinets/Saxophones
13th - Violas/Cellos/Basses
14th - Percussion
15th - All Strings
16th - All Brass
19th - All Band

20th - Welcome/Ice Cream Social/Uniform Sizing

23rd - Shadow A Marcher Night 

Monday, August 29, 2022

Welcome back, Boosters! Stay tuned for upcoming events and don't forget to sign up the Music Notes Newsletter! Sign up here.

Thursday, February 17, 2022

SWEET things are coming!!!!  

Just in case the permission form hasn't made it out of the backpack, here is an extra copy.  Please get these filled out and handed in soon and we will keep you posted along the way.  Lots of planning is needed for this event to please let us know ASAP if your musician can go for a SWEET day at Hershey! 

Sunday, February 13, 2022


Join us for the first ever Magothy Coffee Night!

Unfortunately, we have had to postpone the Annual Spaghetti Dinner due to time constraints and need for volunteers.  However, we will still be having an event that night in order to give our Solo and Ensemble students an opportunity to rehearse before a low stress, live audience.  So, please join us for our first ever Coffee House on Friday, February 25th!  It’s going to be a great time to interact with other families in our program!  

Click Here to Reserve your Time Slot

Click Here to bring a Dessert or Sweet to share

Monday, January 17, 2022

Time to start planning for summer!  Click the link below to find all of the information you need to apply for Summer camp this year.  And the BEST news yet.......... IT'S FREE to students who apply, try out and are accepted.  Good LUCK!


The link for the winter concert is HERE!!  Please click the link below to see your Musical Students in action!  The results are fantastic!  Enjoy!