Sunday, December 18, 2016

Larry Rodbell

Mr. Larry Rodbell is back this year working with the percussion students! To learn more about him or to inquire about private lessons, please check out his website at You can also find a permanent link to the left under Useful Links.

Winter Concert Videos

Friday evening's winter concert was enormously successful for the band members, Mr. Stojakovich, Mr. Rodbell and all of the boosters working behind the scenes, and we've got the videos to prove it:

Jazz Band -
Chamber Strings -
String Orchestra -
Concert Band -
Full Orchestra -
Percussion Ensemble -

Happy Holidays!

Thursday, December 15, 2016


Report times for the concert on Friday. 
6:00 PM Jazz Band on stage for dress rehearsal please arrive prior to this time so that you can set up.
6:20 PM Orchestra students arrive in CHORUS room to tune
6:30 PM Band and Percussion students arrive BAND REPORTS TO BAND ROOM PERCUSSION REPORTS TO 123
6:50 PM Orchestra moves to stage and Band and percussion students move to audience
7:00 PM Concert Begins

Remember, full uniforms (khaki pants, blue polo uniform shirt, navy uniform sweater, dark socks, and dress shoes for orchestra and band and khaki or black pants and white t-shirt for percussion) must be worn.

Thank you in advance for planning to stay the length of the concert, every child in the program worked very hard and deserves to be celebrated for their efforts.

The cookie reception will immediately follow the concert.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

December-January Newsletter

The December-January Boosters newsletter is out. Read all about the MRMS music program happenings here.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

December movie night is right around the corner!

Did your Musician bring home their flyer? Find it HERE.

We will be presenting ELF. 

Come for the cookies & hot chocolate, stay for the laughs.

Ticket sales during lunch on the 7th, 8th, and 9th. 

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Spring Trip Letter and Forms

Boosters: please note that Spring Trip 2017 information should have come home with your child this week. You should have received a cover letter, trip details and forms. Importantly, the trip dates have changed. You can download all of it right here.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

November Movie Night and Pizza Order Pickup

Boosters! November's Movie night is right around the corner. We'll be presenting Hotel Transylvania on November 4th from 4-6pm. If you do not receive a flyer / permission slip from your child, you can find a copy here. To purchase tickets, please have your child bring the signed permission slip with cash/check to their lunch on November 2-4th.

On the same night, Joe Corbi's Pizza Orders will be delivered and can be picked up at the school.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Bands By The Bay Information

Important Bands By The Bay information was sent home with your child. You can also download / view a copy of it here.

Thursday, September 22, 2016


Bands By The Bay sign-up/shirt order form is due by Sept 27. 

The form can be found under the forms tab.

For more information on this event, check out our newsletter!

We also added Spooky Strings sign-up to the forms tab. Please return it to Mr.S  or respond by email to by rehearsal on Tuesday, October 4 Th or sooner.

Fundraising and Movie Night

Our Joe Corbi fundraiser is coming a week sooner than expected! 

Kids will start selling on Sept 26 and all orders will be due on Oct 7.

This is a great opportunity for our kids to earn money for their spring trips.

October 7th is also our first movie night!

We will be showing Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. Movie night is open to all MRMS students and their families. Tickets are $5, and in October, your ticket includes a slice of pizza and water. Munchies and drinks will also be sold during the movie.

Signed permission slips need to be on record for everyone attending movie night (one permission slip covers the whole year). Permission slips will be handed out at school, are available on the website, and will be available at lunches the Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday before movie night when tickets can also be purchased

Monday, September 12, 2016

Latest Boosters' Newsletter and Website Updates

We're happy to announce the availability of the latest MRMS IP Boosters' Newsletter for September-October. Find it in the Newsletters Tab.

Also, a Glossary of Commonly Used Names and Terms can be found in the Glossary tab above.

Finally, Mr. S wanted to remind everyone that the deadline for handing in All-County paperwork is 3:50pm on September 19th.

Friday, September 9, 2016

Practice 101 Workshop

On September 14th, we will be hosting "Practice 101, How To Get Really Good At Anything" at Magothy River Middle School. Everyone is invited to attend this workshop based on the 'deep practice' method by Daniel Coyle, author of The Talent Code.

The workshop starts at 7pm and is expected to last a little over an hour.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

You're Invited!

You are invited to the MRMS Instrumental Music Boosters fall general meeting, new student orientation and uniform fitting (to be followed by ice cream!)

When: Tuesday, August 30, 2016 @ 7pm

Where: MRMS Instrumental Room

What: Learn about activities for the year, get fitted for and purchase concert uniform, enjoy free ice cream and meet other instrumental boosters

If you are the parent, guardian or family member of an MRMS Instrumental Music student, you are an MRMS Instrumental Booster!

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

We need you!

Our booster organization has come so far in the last 3 years. Every parent or guardian of a band or orchestra student at MRMS should be proud of what we have accomplished because every parent or guardian is part of this wonderful organization! If you have a student in band or orchestra, you are an instrumental music booster program member!

As the year winds down (you know it will go quickly from here!) we are already looking forward to next year. In order to keep the organization growing and thriving to support this important element of our students’ education, we need your help.

We understand that everyone is busy and everyone has other commitments but the more people that we get involved even for an hour at a time, the more we can do for our students.

Soon, we will be voting on board members for next year and we need parents and guardians to take on these positions. We also need volunteers for many other positions for the coming year. Please carefully consider giving some of your time to our organization. Because of those volunteers we have been lucky enough to have over the past 3 years, anyone who takes on these positions will have notes and plans to fall back on not to mention the support of everyone in the organization. We need:

*Volunteer Coordinator 
*Communication Coordinator (website/newsletter)
*Concert Coordinator 
*Uniform Coordinator 
*Fundraising Chair 
*Movie Night Chair 
*Spaghetti Dinner Chair

If you are willing to take on any of these positions or have any questions, please feel free to get in contact with

“Volunteering is the ultimate exercise in democracy. You vote in elections once a year, but when you volunteer, you vote every day about the kind of community you want to live in.” - Marjorie Moore 

Monday, March 7, 2016


The March Newsletter is now available on the Newsletter Tab above if you missed it in your email.  As always, the newsletter is full of information about upcoming events.

The Spaghetti Dinner reservation form is also available for printing on the Forms Tab if you did not receive one home from school.  The reservation forms and payment are due Thursday, March 10.  When we receive your form, we will send tickets home so that you know that we received your reservation and payment.  

If you are able to donate to or volunteer for the Annual Spaghetti Dinner on Tuesday, March 15, please do so here:  We hope to see everyone there for this fun evening benefitting both the spring trip and the general fund.  

Festival permission slips have gone home and should be returned as soon as possible.  These forms are not available electronically.  This is a mandatory performance.  

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Safeway Gift Card Fundraiser

We are once again hosting a Safeway card fundraiser.  All the information can be found on our Safeway Flyer.  The sooner we can get to our $5,000.00 goal, the better the chance that the funds raised can help support students on their spring trip.  Anyone can buy the cards so be sure to ask your friends, family, neighbors, school bus stop companions, etc!

Monday, February 29, 2016

March/April Joe Corbi Fundraiser

We will be hosting a second Joe Corbi's fundraiser in March for both the Instrumental Programs and the two Honors Choral groups.  Brochures will be available the week of March 1.  If you wish to participate in this fundraiser, please ask your musician if they picked up a brochure.  

Orders are due Friday, March 18.  Because of the timing with spring break, we will not be able to accept late orders this time.  Merchandise will be available for pick up on Monday, April 11, which coincides with the mandatory spring trip meeting where we will have all papers notarized.  

As with the last time, if together we can sell over 100 items, each student will receive $5.00 per item sold in credit toward the spring trip.  If we can surpass 200 items, as we did last time, each student will receive $5.50 per item credit!  Any funds that are raised by individual sellers over and above the cost of the trip will go toward the general account which pays for new sheet music, instrument repair, extra percussion instruction, extra string instruction, and extra supplies just to name a few things!  Anyone who is not going on the trip and would like to fundraise toward the general account is more than welcome to take a brochure

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Spaghetti Dinner Date Change

Due to a scheduling conflict, the date of our annual spaghetti dinner has changed.  Spaghetti dinner will now be Tuesday, March 15, from 5:00-7:30 PM.  

Reservation forms will go home this week.  As soon as we receive the reservation forms and payment, we will send tickets home.  Please be sure you receive your tickets so that you know we received your reservation forms.  

This is a fun evening to gather and enjoy good music, food, and company.  Proceeds from the evening benefit both individual trip accounts and the general fund.  

We hope to see everyone there on March 15!

Friday, February 26, 2016

March Movie Night

Our last movie night of the year is Friday, March 4, from 4-6 PM.  Lets make it the biggest one yet!  We will be showing Over The Hedge.  Tickets will be sold Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday during lunches.  Tickets are $5 each and include a hot pretzel and a cup of lemonade.  To celebrate a successful movie night campaign this year, we are offering the following program - buy one ticket, bring a friend for free!  Flyers can be printed out here.  

As always, this night will not be a success without plenty of help, please consider making a donation or volunteering:  

See you at the movies!  

Monday, February 22, 2016

Trip Payment #2 Due

The second payment of $50 for the Kings Dominion trip is due on Friday, February 26.  Please make checks payable to MRMS.  All payments for field trips are nonrefundable. 

As of now the cost of the trip is $210, but this might be lower once we have final numbers for all parts of the trip.  If your student has fundraising credits for Joe Corbi's and/or Safeway cards and you would like to know their account balance, please email

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

February Newsletter

The February Newsletter is here, hot off the presses and full of good stuff!  

February Movie Night

February Movie Night is Friday, February 5, 4-6 PM.  We will be showing Night At The Museum.  Tickets are $5 and will be sold at lunches Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.  Tickets include two cookies and a cup of hot cocoa.  You can also order tickets using this flyer.  

We also need a few donations and some more chaperones to make the night a success.  If you can help, please sign up here:

See you at the movies!

Monday, January 18, 2016

Solo and Ensemble Frequently Asked Questions - From Mr. S

What is Solo and Ensemble Festival and FAQ’s

Solo and Ensemble Festival is an event that is sponsored by Anne Arundel County Music Department and Maryland Music Educators Association.  It is an opportunity for students to play either a solo or an ensemble like a duet, trio, quartet or even larger for an adjudicator to receive feedback and a rating.  Any students who receive a rating of a I or Superior Rating on a grade II or harder piece of music are eligible to perform at the state level festival in May.  All students must perform a selection of music from the MMEA list which is provided below.  Registration for this event is done online by the schools director and closes on February 12th, 2016.  Morning or Evening times may be requested.

Important Information:
Form Deadline: February 12th, 2016- please turn in your forms early to me to provide ample time to register

Festival Date: March 12th 2016
(students will have an opportunity to perform their solo’s at the spaghetti dinner on March 11th)

Location: Magothy/Severn River Middle School 

Each event is $8 per event, forms submitted after the deadline will have a $40 per form late charge fee.  (This is the website hosts fee, not mine) 

Checks should be made payable to AACPS

Students may participate in up to three events

All entries must play from the State list which can be found at under the orchestra or band tab on the left side of the website.  Those graded lists can be found at these links;

MODA string solo and ensemble lists-
Wind and percussion solos-

What is a graded list? 
This is a list of thousands of pieces of music have been submitted and graded in terms of difficulty.
Grade I = usually 6th grade
Grade II= advanced 6th grade or 7th grade or 8th grade
Grade III= advanced 7th grade or 8th grade
Grade IV= advance 8th grade or High School
Grade V and VI High School and College level
What is a Rating?  It is the scores given by the Adjudicator.
I Superior = Eligible for State, II Excellent, III Good, IV Fair, V Poor

Where can music be found?
If a student is interested I do have a small collection of solos and ensemble pieces, I would gladly find a piece of music that would fit your child’s ability level.  Also those who subscribe to smart music has many pieces available.  Music can be found at Music and Arts or ordered online at JW
Students should have two copies of original music one for them and one for the adjudicator. Each set of music should have the measures numbered. Photo copies are not allowed unless the music is permanently out of Print and a letter from the publisher is provided.
Students performing solos need an accompanist. If needed, I can play for the first 15 students that ask or can find someone for them.  
All students should also know the scale for the key of the piece and a chromatic scale one octave.
Any student that performs in any event will receive points toward the end of the year award and will receive an extra credit 50 points toward their grade or one free test passing attempt.


student Name  ______________________________________
Instrument        _____________________________________
Name of selection ___________________________________
Composer         ______________________________________
Grade Level      if known _______________________________
Time request    morning or afternoon
Accompanist name _________________________________
Accompanist phone number __________________________
Accompanist email    ________________________________

Members name and instrument    _____________________________________

Name of selection  _________________________________________ 
Name of Composer _______________________________________
Grade level  if know _________________________________________

Sunday, January 10, 2016

General Meeting Reminder

Don't forget, we have a general meeting tomorrow, January 11, 2016.  The meeting will be at 7 PM in the MRMS cafeteria.  In addition to our regular business, we will have in depth information about the spring trip.  Hope to see you there!

All County Band

Congratulations to Nicole Nadeau, Jolene Blair, Sean Cooper, William McCracken, Samuel Clark, Jack Capps, Connor Baerwald, and Trystin Martin for being selected to perform with the All County Band.  
The All County Band concert will be Saturday, February 6, at 7 PM at Southern High School. 

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

All County Band Auditions - Good Luck

Good luck to all of our musicians auditioning for All County Band tomorrow: Sedona Salb, Lucy Nathan, Nicole Nadeau, Carly Bair, Jolene Blair, Camp Wingard, Dale Gallimore, Sean Cooper, Marcus Herman, William McCracken, Kellum Urban, Sam Clark, Jack Capps, Trystin Martin, Connor Beaerwald, and Mikail Selzer!

Sunday, January 3, 2016

New Year Reminders

Happy New Year to all of our Instrumental Program Booster Families!  We have lots of exciting things going on in this new year!  Here are just a few things to remember as we start back to school tomorrow:

1.  Regular practice schedules will resume.

2.  All musicians will be bringing home a Joe Corbi sales packet early this week.  We are running this sale in conjunction with the honors choral programs to help students earn money for their spring trip.  If together we are able to sell more than 100 products, each product sold will earn the seller $5 toward the trip.  More information can be found in the sales packer.  ORDERS MUST BE TURNED IN BY JANUARY 15!  

3.  It's movie night time again!  January's movie night is Friday, January 8, 6-8PM.  We will be showing Ice Age.  All tickets include a slice of pizza and water.  Additional snacks will be available for purchase.  We need donations and volunteers to make this event happen.  Please consider helping out, we especially need help selling tickets during lunches.  

4.  The bowling party is scheduled for January 15-16.  All reservations must be turned in by Wednesday, January 6, so we can make final arrangements with the facility.  

5.  We will have a general meeting on Monday, January 11, at 7 PM.  We will be discussing the spring trip at this time. 

6.  Please consider volunteering to help the program out.  In addition to help at movie night, we need help to reconcile pizza orders, a Spaghetti Dinner chair and helpers, and an Air Band Competition Co-chair just to name a few.  If you can help with any of these positions, please contact